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Venus In Capricorn: The Delayed Love Story

Venus is the planet of beauty, love, harmony, and material comforts. It describes a person’s relationship style, what they value, who and what they find attractive, how they carry themselves in love, and overall experiences they have in romantic relationships. Capricorns are practical, persistent, and overachievers. Success is crucial for this sign in addition to security, financial security in particular.

Venus in Capricorn is a challenging placement for Venus as Venus is the planet of beauty, pleasure, love, and enjoyment. Capricorn (under the rulership of planet Saturn) creates delays and ushers difficult lessons when Venus desires harmonious relationships and balance in love. Venus in Capricorn can be pessimistic in situations involving the heart, similar to Miranda from Sex and the City. Whether they decide consciously or subconsciously, relationships are put on the back burner until they have achieved a salient goal and learn how to honor themselves in all areas of their lives .

Likely, Venus in Capricorn will not experience a joyful or stable relationship until after their Saturn Return (happens around 30 years of age). While this is the most likely scenario, the other probable possibility is that the person marries young or is in a committed relationship with the same person throughout their 20s. If that is the situation, the relationship will likely be reevaluated during the Saturn Return, leading to a new chapter of the relationship or the two going their separate ways.

Lessons with love are a focal point with this placement — many find it onerous to experience a harmonious relationship. Many attract successful, yet aloof, partners or may even go extended periods without dating or connecting with anyone romantically and instead focus on their goals. Venus in Capricorn can be distant and cold towards potential romantic suitors — creating distance and self-sabotaging.

Standards are crucial for individuals with this placement. Those with Venus in Capricorn desire someone mature, prominent, stable, and committed. Consequently, they might go through extended periods without engaging in romantic relationships if they don’t find someone who meets their criteria. Dating a person with Venus in Capricorn can feel like an interview, as they want to quickly determine if the person has potential before investing more of their valuable time.

Venus in Capricorn is determined to succeed and obtain status in society. This sign values success and a well-respected public image, and they likely spend their 20s building themselves up professionally — whether in school or creating their own business. Success is crucial to a Venus in Capricorn — it can take time for them to reap the rewards of their hard work, but it’s usually worth the investment. A stable career, income, and happy love life are at the end of the tunnel shortly after their Saturn Return, as long as they work hard, nourish their vision, and are true to themselves.

This placement can be very challenging for people with Cancer placements due to the two signs being in opposition to one another. For example, someone with a moon in cancer in opposition to their Venus in Capricorn will experience a “see-saw effect” as their wants and needs are at odds. Their emotional needs are conflicted with their desires — equilibrium is necessary to achieve stability in life.

Individuals with Venus in Capricorn are not unlucky in love. Instead, they are destined to learn the importance of patience and valuing oneself in romantic relationships. Failed relationships serve as lessons, teaching those with Venus in Capricorn to prioritize their goals and desires. Resisting these lessons invites more challenges when accepting them paves the way for their true desires.

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