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...And So It Begins

"We change and the universe furthers and expands that change" - Julia Cameron


Welcome to my peaceful corner of the internet.


It took me a while to arrive here, but here I am. Unless you know me, you may be unsure about what I mean. What I mean is, that it took me some time to get past my fears and hit "go" on creating this site and getting things off the ground with my business. This has been an idea in my mind since 2017. That's 7 years of overthinking, incessant daydreaming, and little to no action. Self-doubt, fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of being seen are all reasons that caused my delay, but it's OK. Now is the right time. Now I'm in a different space - mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Now I am ready. Now I am genuinely excited to be here and get things going.


You know when you're truly excited about something? When it's not just something you have to do, but it's something you get to do. Something that gives you a rush and the thought of it makes you feel restless? Well, that's how I feel now. It is not just about creating my site and getting my business off the ground, but about life in general. I can finally breathe for the first time in my life, and it is a beautiful feeling.


I'm very excited to share more about my journey and how my past has brought me to where I am now and to share my knowledge and perspective on several spirituality modalities, including astrology.


Less dwelling, more alignment, and guided action.


With love,

N. Tatiana

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